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2017-08-30 10:51:39    YT新媒体  参与评论()人

原标题:艺术 | 在大都会艺术博物馆的屋顶,除了看风景还能做什么?



▲ 大都会艺术博物馆屋顶花园, Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden, Source: Travel Gallery

如果你来到纽约大都会艺术博物馆,千万别忘了去一睹屋顶的风光。在那里,不仅可以遥望曼哈顿的高楼大厦,还可以俯瞰中央公园的绿草如茵。而这个名为 Iris and Br. Gerald Cantor 的屋顶花园,今年迎来了它的三十岁生日。不过这里可不仅是个花园,还是个酒吧,更是多年以来许多装置艺术停靠的港湾。

▲ Installation view of ‘Jeff Koons on the Roof,’ 2008. ©THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, NEW YORK

2008年,艺术家 Jeff Koons 把他的作品带到了屋顶上。其中包括一条“狗”,一颗“心”和一页“书”。这条三米多高的“狗”表面光滑颜色鲜艳,在阳光下熠熠生辉,模仿气球拧成的造型十分受小朋友们欢迎,在当时成为父母们带孩子游玩拍照的圣地。

▲ Visitors were still touring “Big Bambú,” the installation by Doug and Mike Starn on the Metropolitan’s rooftop, as it was being taken apart last week. (The installation closed on Sunday.) Credit Librado

2010年,双胞胎艺术家 Doug 和 Mike Starn 将他们的“大竹子”(Big Bambú)搬到了屋顶花园。人们可以在“竹荫”底下乘凉,也可以在“竹道”之间穿行。

▲ Cornelia Parker, Transitional Object (PsychoBarn) on the roof of the Met Fifth Avenue. Courtesy of photographer Alex Fradkin, Cornelia Parker

而去年,英国艺术家 Cornelia Parker 更是于此搭建了她受经典电影《惊魂记》(Psycho)影响而创作的“惊魂谷仓”(PsychoBarn)。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

不过,艺术家在屋顶花园的狂欢仍在继续。如今,这里又开起了一场盛大的派对,一场你可以参与其中的“大戏”——“消失剧场”(Theater of Disappearance)。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann


▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

37岁的阿根廷艺术家 Adrián Villar Rojas 搜集了大都会艺术博物馆的一百多件馆藏,将它们进行数字扫描和“混搭”,最终以 3D 打印技术呈现出了16组黑白的雕塑装置。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann


▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann


▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

不过最引人注目的还是这些雕塑装置本身了。Adrián Villar Rojas 深入挖掘了大都会艺术博物馆的收藏,旨在“复活”那些被遗忘的石膏像和复制品。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

在 3D 扫描和先进技术的支持下,Adrián Villar Rojas 让这些传统艺术品与高科技结合。为了将这些历史的视觉效果化为现实,还少不了大都会艺术博物馆的高级成像部门——有了他们的支持,所有的扫描和 3D 模型的制作都得以由博物馆内部完成。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

除了从大都会艺术博物馆的17个馆部中选择的对象之外,艺术家还扫描了员工及其家属,创造出让场景更活泼的人物形象。 当然,他自己(的手)也没落下:举着 Rock and Roll 的手势出现在其中一具雕塑上。

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

大都会艺术博物馆的策展人 Beatrice Galilee 认为,Adrián Villar Rojas 所做的,“实实在在地让博物馆甚至工作人员都活跃起来了”。如果你看得够仔细,你会发现策展人的雕像也在这场派对之中,与13世纪法国大理石像一起躺在某张桌上;也可以看到古埃及“女王之脸的碎片”以大了好几个号的姿态出现……

▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

▲ Tomb Effigy of Jean d’Alluye, mid-13th century French,Limestone. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Cloisters Collection

▲ Fragment of a Queen’s Face, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ancient Egypt. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art


▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

Adrián Villar Rojas 将前人的作品注入新的活力已经不是第一次,他甚至“玩”过著名的大师杰作——大卫。

▲ Adrián Villar Rojas, Untitled, (From the series ‘The Theater of Disappearance) ©The artist, courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Paris & London. Photo Thierry Bal


▲ Adrián Villar Rojas, Untitled, (From the series ‘The Theater of Disappearance) ©The artist, courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Paris & London. Photo Thierry Bal

面对一件雕塑作品,人们总会将其整体地来欣赏。而 Adrián Villar Rojas 在他的“消失剧场”中,给了我们更多的角度和思考——整体变为局部,而不同的局部组合成新的整体。

▲ Whatever floats … Adrián Villar-Rojas, The Most Beautiful of All Mothers. Photograph: Kubra Karacizmeli

而另一方面, Adrián Villar Rojas 的作品去过的“奇妙地带”可不止大都会艺术博物馆的屋顶。在土耳其马尔马拉海的岸边,一群“巨兽”屹立在浅水中:有骆驼、麋鹿、大象、长颈鹿……还有背着狮子的大猩猩。

▲ An installation in the Sea of Marmara by Adrián Villar Rojas for the 2015 Istanbul Biennial. Credit Jörg BaumannCourtesy of the artist, Marian Goodman Gallery & Kurimanzutto, Mexico City

这是在2015年的伊斯坦布尔双年展上,Adrián Villar Rojas 用玻璃纤维制作的动物们就这样在海边伫立,身上还背着由其他材质比如布、陶、铁、木头之类做成的其他动物或者物品。

▲ Adrián Villar Rojas, “The Evolution of God", photographed by Sarah Cascone

Adrián Villar Rojas 一直以来擅长创作特定场域的艺术作品。三年前同样是在纽约,他在 High Line 公园中的展览“上帝的演化”(The Evolution of God)展出了混合有牡蛎壳、布料、绳子、粘土、骨头、甚至旧球鞋的大型水泥立方体。随着时间的推移,还有植物从中生根发芽,而这些雕塑作品也逐渐腐坏。

▲ Adrián Villar Rojas, “The Evolution of God", photographed by Sarah Cascone


—— Adrián Villar Rojas ——

The Theater of Disappearance



▲ The Theater of Disappearance, Adrián Villar Rojas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, All photos courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery; and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Photos by Jörg Baumann

本文部分资料参考自 artnetnews,



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