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2017-05-31 15:37:51      参与评论()人

1.    程连凯  Cheng Liankai


Born at a literary family in Xi’an in 1946, a Hui nationality, he is a senior artist and craftsman whose ancestral home is in Shanxi. Now, he is the chairman at National calligrapher and painter Association in Shanxi and the dean of national fine arts institute. He was regarded as one of the ten news figures in the circle of culture in Shanxi at the turning of century.

2.    羽翼 (刘俊涵)Yu Yi (Liu Junhan)


Dr Yu Yi is an illustrious writer and a famous calligrapher, Researcher, senior journalist, social activist.

3.    陆嘉禾 Lu jia he


Lu Jia-he,a decedent of Lu Xiu Fu,a prime minister of Sung Dynasty. He is specialized in painting, calligraphy, poetry and seal-cutting . He was exhibited in everywhere including Singapore,Japan,Canada,Brazil,Korea,USA,England,Germany , Thailand,as well as HK,Macau,Taiwan. He was awarded with “10 Distinguished Painters”,“10 Distinguished calligraphers", “21st Century Artist ”, "Known Artist in China",as well as “Wen Hua Award” , "Artist of World Culture " by Chinese Government. He was appointed Vice President, College of International Art.

4.    焦日明  Jiao Ri ming


Riming Jiao, famous calligrapher. There was an exhibition of the eight different typefaces. Of “FU” in the Great Hall of the People and the “dragon” of his character also caused a sensation in the Great Hall of the People, Zhaoxing Li, who is the president of the Chinese Public Diplomacy Association, praised his masterpieces.



5.    黄晓明(Huang Xiaoming)


Huang Xiaoming, Chinese mainland actor, singer. Representative works of the Han emperor, Condor Heroes, the new on the beach, Fragrance, Jingzhong Yue Fei, wind, Zhao orphans, Shanghai, China partner, Datang Xuanzang and so on.

6.    范冰冰(Fan Bingbing)


Fan Bingbing, Chinese film and television actress, producer, pop music singer, starred in the TV series in 1998, "My Fair Princess" fame, since 2001 to join the big screen. 2004 - 2016 by virtue of the film "phone", "heart ghost", "apple", "Guanyinshan", "second exposure" and "I am not Pan Jinlian" and so won the 27th popular movie Hundred Flowers Award Actress, the 44th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best supporting actress, the fourth Eurasian International Film Festival best actress, the 18th Beijing University Student Film Festival best actress, the 9th China tripod award Chinese film best Actress, the 11th Asian Film Awards Best Actress.

7.    丁晟  Ding Sheng



Ding Sheng, well-known Chinese director [1]Representative works "police story 2013", "soldier", "tough guy", "railway tiger" and so on

8.    彭于晏 (Eddie Peng Yuyan)








Peng Yu Yan, China Taiwan film and television actor, singer.

The 34th Hong Kong Film Awards 2008 Best Actor Nomination

In 2014 the 32nd session of the popular movie Hundred Flowers Award for the best new nomination

In 2014 the 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards Best Supporting Actor nomination

The 50th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor Nomination

In 2008 the 48th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best actor nomination

9.    秦剑 (Qin Jian)


Qin Jian, contemporary American Chinese director, American overseas Chinese, Hollywood signed the director, was born in Chongqing in 1950, the table works are: "Huangpu love", "China Expeditionary Force", "General Stilwell and the Burma Battlefield" and so on.

10.   林心如(Ruby Lin)

林心如(Ruby Lin),中国台湾女演员、歌手、影视制作人。代表作品还珠格格、情深深雨蒙蒙、男才女貌、半生缘、美人心计、京城81号、16个夏天






Ruby Lin, Chinese Taiwan actress, singer, film producer. Representative works My Fair Princess, love deep rain, male talent female appearance, half life, beauty scheming, the capital 81, 16 summer

Major achievements of the 50th Taiwan TV Golden Bell Award for best drama

The 50th Taiwan TV Golden Bell Award for Best Actress Nomination

The 10th China Golden Eagle Television Festival Visitors' favorite Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan actor nomination

The 13th Shanghai International Film Festival Media Award for Best Actress Nomination

The 18th Hua Ding Award China Best TV Drama Actress

11.   White Cross 

White Cross won the alternative award in 2007. Being the winner of a total of 5 Grammy Avards, she is alos a professional actress , movie director, and producer.


12.    Bomba Lia


Bomba Lia is a singer, piano player, and songwriter. Lia has been performing since she was five years of age. Inspired by a family of artists,

13.    Jessie Liu 刘杰

Jessie Liu ,是好莱坞知名的华裔服装设计师,她创办的女装成衣国际时装品牌"JESSIE lIU "是位于旧金山。


其设计的服装曾在纽约时装周、温哥华时装周和圣路易斯时装周以及、法国巴黎的时装展走秀与发布,Jessie Liu的品牌结合了现代美学和可穿戴设计元素,品牌涉猎范围很广但对品质没有任何妥协,受到了众多好莱坞明星的青睐。

Jessie Liu, is a well-known Hollywood Chinese costume designer, she founded the women's clothing international fashion brand "JESSIE lIU" is located in San Francisco.

东方文艺复兴金奖 Oriental Renaissance Golden Award: Those who received this most valuable award are people in the world contributing dearly to the grand cause of Oriental Renaissance in the early stage of that movement.

  王鹏飞博士为罗文. 阿弗隆斯博士授奖,范光陵等持孔子肖像周游列国

王鹏飞博士为罗文. 阿弗隆斯博士授奖,范光陵等持孔子肖像周游列国


Dr. Francisco Correggia,Dr. Novin Afrouz (世界著名钢琴家,原中东公主,第十届世界诗人大会暨第2届世界文化大会主席),G.G.S. Prasada (斯里兰卡文化旅游大使),Elena Protchenko (乌克兰文化主持人),胡适 (1958年在台北市面示范光陵推动东方文艺复兴,振兴中华文化),鲁迅,艾青,祖炳民教授(前白宫亚太裔顾问委员会主席,世界多元文化教育之父,美国名校西东大学亚洲学院院长,旧金山大学多元文化学院院长,在美国80年代第一个设立了多元文化教育学博士,范光陵博士,王鹏飞博士的老师),蒋复璁(台北故宫博物院院长),余光中 (中国台湾名诗人),张大千, Tinafung(诗人画家),Lin Guixing (UN), 冰心,徐悲鸿,齐白石等。


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