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2017-05-31 15:37:51      参与评论()人


Dr. Fan Kuanling is the Oriental Renaissance man. He is one of the contemporary 10 grand painters in China, as well as one of the 12 grand  painters in modern world. Dr. Fan is the president of the first World Congress of Poets in China 's 5000 year history. He is the first one, supported by Government, to recompile Confucius' books. Dr. Fan is the one who broke the ice between two sides of China. He is also the Father of Computer in China,father of Poetic Oil Painting in the world , as well as the pioneer in 21th century Art Revolution.

2.     意大利米兰美院教授 Dr. Francesco Correggia (由范光陵博士与王鹏飞博士颁奖)

 意大利米兰美院教授,威尼斯双年展评委Prof. Francesco Correggia领奖

意大利米兰美院教授,威尼斯双年展评委Prof. Francesco Correggia领奖



3.     史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格 Steven Allan Spielberg(美国)


Jewish film director, screenwriter and filmmaker.  Won the Oscar for best director award nomination. In 1993, won the Oscar for best film, best director and many other awards; 1999 again by virtue of the movie "Save the soldier Ryan" won the 71st Oscar for best director.

4.     李安 Ang Lee(美国)


In 1999, due to directed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" for the first time won the Oscar Award for best foreign language film award. 2006 and 2013, with the "Brokeback Mountain" and "juvenile fantasy rafting" won the 78th and 85th Oscar Award for best director award.

5.     爱德华 阿科潘 Edvard Akopyan(美国)



6.     李行 Lee Hsing(中国台湾)

李行(Lee Hsing),中国台湾著名电影导演、演员。


Lee Hsing, Taiwan famous film director, actor. He directed the "oyster", "Jade Goddess of Mercy", "Wang Yang in a boat" by the eleventh, fifteenth and twenty-fifth Asian International Film Festival best film or best director award.

7.     冯小刚(Feng Xiaogang )



In 2004 as the drama "world without a thief" director, screenwriter, and by virtue of the film won the 42nd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best adaptation of the script. 2016 directed the drama "I am not Pan Jinlian" won the 64th San Sebastian International Film Festival best film gold shell award, and its personal by virtue of the film won the 53rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best director prize

8.     张艺谋(Zhang Yimou)  



• Zhang Yimou, April 2, 1950 was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi, Chinese film director, "fifth generation director" one of the representatives of the United States Boston University, Yale University honorary doctorate, four times won the annual Chinese film Box office champion

9.     成龙 Jackie Chan(中国香港)


Chinese Hong Kong actor, director, action guide, producer, screenwriter, singer. 2010 won the 54th Asia-Pacific Film Festival Outstanding Film Achievement Award. 2012 by the United States, "The New York Times" named "the history of the 20 greatest action movie star first". 2016 won the Oscar Award for Lifetime Achievement Award.

10.     陈香梅  Anna Chan Chennault(美国)

陈香梅(Anna Chan Chennault),世界著名华人华侨领袖、社会活动家、美国国际合作委员会主席。1925年6月23日出生于中国北京(当时叫北平)。早期在中央通讯社昆明分社工作,是中央社的第一任女记者。后来成为中国空军空军美籍志愿大队的指挥官陈纳德的太太。她在二战后一直都在美国政坛活跃着。

Anna Chan Chennault, the world's leading Chinese overseas Chinese leader, social activist and chairman of the US International Cooperation Committee. Born in China on June 23, 1925. Early in the Central News Agency Kunming branch of the work, is the Central Committee of the first female reporter. And later became the Chinese Air Force Air Force US volunteer brigade commander Chennault's wife. She has been active in American politics after World War II.

11.  陈道明(Chen Daoming)


National first-level actor, the tenth, eleven, twelve CPPCC National Committee members, the Chinese Federation of literary and art circles eighth national representative, SARFT issued outstanding film performance artist, 2006 Central Propaganda Department "four "Talent, its representative works are the last emperor, siege, Kangxi dynasty, my 1919, Tangshan earthquake

12.  阿米尔•汗 (Aamir Khan)(亚洲)


Bollywood actor, director, producer, in 2009, starred in the inspirational comedy movie "Three Silly Born Bollywood", played Rancho. In 2017, starred in inspirational film "wrestling!" Father ", by majority of the audience like.

13.  柳冬青 (Liu Dongqing) (由Francesco Correggia与范光陵博士颁奖)由王鹏飞博士主持.






14.  张曼玉(Maggie Cheung)(中国香港)



Maggie Cheung, born September 20, 1964 in Hong Kong, native of Shanghai, film actor, musician, national first-class actor

Representative works Mood for Love, Ruan Lingyu, sweet honey, new gantry inn, green snake, clean, Song Dynasty dynasty, hero.

15.  杨澜(Yang Lan)


Yang Lan, Chinese TV host, media, media entrepreneurs, philanthropists. From 1990 to 1994, he served as the host of "Zhengda Variety" program of China Central Television, and was awarded the "Golden Microphone Award" by China's first host in 1994. She founded the first high-level talk show "Yang Lan" As of 2014 has visited more than 700 people in the world, in the global Chinese audience has a high reputation

16.  刘晓庆(Liu Xiaoqing)


In 1995, starred in the TV series "Wu Zetian". In 2004, starred in the TV series "long river east." In 2005, starred in the TV series "Lotus Lantern", as the Queen Mother. 2010, starring TV series "cloud sleeve". In 2014, won the 2013 China Fashion Ceremony fashion influential character award. 2016 years starring odd historical drama "Wu Zetian".

奖项 “世界艺术家奖” world artist award




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